Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Drowning in a sea of lactic acid!

Part of this white man's weekly routine unswervingly involves three necessary visits to my personal torture chamber otherwise, mockingly I believe, named AV Leisure Centre. Trust me, there's nothing leisurely about beating down your body and making it your slave! But the gym workout is a necessary 'evil' that is not evil at all - it has increased this white man's health, productivity and overall quality of life. All the result of an inspired epiphany received last year that transformed an overweight, out-of-shape, unhealthy slob of a man into the work in progress he continues to be. An epiphany you ask? A word from the Lord? An angelic revelation? A random eeny-meeny-miney-mo opening of the Bible that flipped open at 1 Cor 9:27? An ab-blaster infomercial ad? No, none of those. Simply it was this - "hey Dad...your stomach's fat!" As they say "from the mouth of babes..."!

So nine months after first placing myself at the mercy of a team of red-shirted gym instructors I stand today 22 kg lighter but infinitely richer in my life. And as a result, this white man humbly proclaims that he is proud of himself! But the work goes on for there is no going back! I've grown accustom to the feel of lactic acid bathing my aching muscles and now going to gym is a routine, normal part of my weekly routine and lifestyle. To coin a cheesy phrase "it completes me..." If only I could kiss goodbye my persistent love-affair with pizza...
I need another epiphany!

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