Thursday, July 24, 2008

Renaissance of Tears...

Whilst never ascribing to the popular mythos that 'men don't cry' this white man has been genuinely surprised at how much salt water has leaked from his blue eyes over the past year. Not since some dark valleys travelled in the mid 90's have I found myself in tears so often. Of course tears have their place in the context of God, faith and church but it's the tears that have flowed outside in the everyday world that has given cause for this white man to wonder if he's turning into a drippy blancmange! For example, today whilst listening on the radio to parents who recently lost their 12 year-old son in tragic circumstances in a bike accident I quietly wept to the point of nearly having to pull over the car! Any story these days I see or hear in the media that involves children suffering brings me to the point of tears every time. Even movies seen more to stimulate my tear ducts like never before! Maybe it really is true what they say about getting older - that in most ways as you progress in years you regress into infancy. My hair is disappearing, I'm crying like a baby least I'm not back in nappies yet!

It is said that tears are God's way of cleansing the human soul. This truth warms my heart! So not only do I embrace my tears as they fall from the windows of my soul but I know that my God collects them all (Ps 56:8). For those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. AMEN!

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