Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Farewell? More Like Good Riddance!

Last night Australian television bid farewell to one of the most notoriously iconic shows in Australian small screen history - Big Brother. That is, of course providing that no other channel picks up this prolongued assault on the collective intelligence of viewers everywhere. Yes, you may well gather that this white man is shedding no tears today for the demise of BB and he is more than happy, overjoyed in fact, to advise BB 'not to let the studio door hit your posterior on the way out!' For this blight on our televisions has been responsible for more inane, loutish, lasciviously borish behaviour from nobodies than just about any other show of the 'reality TV' (as if BB is really reality?!) genre in recent memory. Now if that sounds prudish then please understand that this white man is far from being a prude. Entertaining humour is good when it is clever and engages your intellectual participation. Big Brother could never be accused of doing that! All I submit is that if BB was a tree then the rotten and unproductive fruit it bore far outweighed any good fruit that grew from it's branches. And after all, to quote the Word "you shall know them by their fruit..."

Big Brother - you were a bad apple in the fruit basket of our lives. Good riddance! Oh, and Granny Terri, BB's final 'winner', this white man hasn't forgotten you (as much as he'd like to). Go and join the QLD chapter of One Nation and categorically validate my argument! Yep...good riddance indeed!


NitNav said...

Yes, good riddance, indeed.

Even though I rarely watch the idiot box much, BB truly tainted of what makes good television entertainment.

Ironically, if BB was truly popular, it will most definitely produce an Orwellian Society that is not quite popular.

Yes, Pastor Colin, I have been reading your blogs and I think you know who I am, haha.

Phil said...

I don't know who you are though; REVEAL YOURSELF TIN!

And agreed. Though there may be a lot of stupid shows currently running on 'the idiot box' BB quickly topped it all and whats even worse is that kids watch that kind of show because its been publicised and spoken about so much in the school yard (I should know lol kind of like ramsay?) and kids don't want to miss out on the gossip. It has passed on the message the actions like that are acceptable in today's society; which by no means it is.