Monday, July 28, 2008

St Albans aka Hoonsville!

This white man remembers a quote once from a driving instructor at Jim Murcotts Driving Centre that went something like this - "the most dangerous thing people do everyday is drive and their cars are the most dangerous weapon they will ever possess..." Upon hearing this I initially thought quizzically about that statement and then upon further reflection I guess I concurred with the instructors opinion. However, I can now categorically state without any reservation that his statement is 100% fact! The reason for my steadfast conviction regarding the motor car as a potentially lethal weapon? I drive around St Albans...

What is it about young guys in souped-up, modified VN Commodores 'fast and furious-ing' it around the bad streets of the outer west? With their 'doof-doof' 'subbies' announcing to the world their ego-inflated presence do they really believe that they are laws unto themselves on our roads? Honestly, as I confirm frequently with many people, this white man genuinely fears driving home these days any time after 10-11PM down the Sunshine Ave 'speedway'. Any sign of a V8 hoon speeding around with his mates sends shivers up my spine. Too many young people have already died on Sunshine Ave - what does it take for these young 'heroes' to understand that their manhood doesn't correlate with their engine-size and speedometer? Just because the original Catholic Saint Alban is most famously remembered as a martyr doesn't mean all these young petrol-heads need to follow his example! But let's not fool ourselves - they are not martyrs, far from it...they're just bloody idiots!

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