Saturday, July 26, 2008

A World Within THE World!

Many people who spend time on their PC, especially those who use it as a social networking utility, frequent Facebook. And be of no doubt, Facebook is a world within the world. This white man spends his fair share of time within the cyber-world of Facebook and has enjoyed reuniting with many old friends from all spheres of life. Old primary school classmates, high school boys, various Salvos I grew up with in church, family members and current Vietnamese church buddies all dominate my list of friends in my Facebook. In this way Facebook is a blessing to me - a place of re-acquaintance with my past and present. But will it be the future? Will life as we, Facebookers, know it be confined to keyboard-typed relationships with our friends? Will we share our lives only via photo albums? How long will it be before people solely attend the first officially sanctioned Facebook church? Will this world within THE world totally become our world?

When thought of in this way Facebook assumes a darker tone. Perhaps, it will never become so consuming - probably it won't. But this I do know - even now this white man spends more time tending to the needs of his 'lil green patch' than he does in his real garden! Whilst his Facebook garden patch looks meticulously ordered with a perfect array of beautiful flowery and fruit-trees that would make any botanical society 'green' with envy, the real weeds growing outside his real garage slowly creep under his garage door and into his REAL LIFE! So maybe this thing called Facebook should be renamed Replace-book because it's slowly taking over our real life priorities and removing us from the real world. Food for thought... Think I'll go and find my gardening gloves!

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